5.5 oz. Embassy Brandy Snifter / Beer Taster / Spirits Glass


Pricing Details

Production Time: 10 Working Days
72 $5.03 each
144 $4.47 each
288 $4.32 each
576 $4.20 each
1008 $4.00 each
2016 $3.75 each
$47.50 each
  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Great for sampling and tasting
  • Easy To Hold
5.5 oz. Glass Brandy Snifter - The large surface area of the contained liquid helps evaporate it, the narrow top traps the aroma inside the glass, while the rounded bottom allows the glass to be cupped in the hand, thus warming the liquor. When placed sideways on a level surface, they will hold just the proper amount before spilling.Also used for port. Popular
glass for some styles of beer, mainly those that feature complex aromas and have an ABV measure of 8% or higher, such as the imperial stout, baltic porter, barley wine, and double India pale ale.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
2.50" Top Diameter x 2.375" Bottom Diameter x 2.975" Max Width x 4.125" Height


Additional Information
Imprint Dimensions
Single Color One Side: 2.50"W x 1.00"H
Single Color Wrap: 7.949"W x 1.00"H
Multicolor One Side: 2.50"W x 1.00"H
Multicolor Wrap: 7.949"W x 1.00"H
Full Wrap Disclaimer: Approximately 1" gap will be present between the beginning and end of art if full imprint width is used for single color or multicolor.

One Columbus Center Suite 600 Virginia Beach, VA 23462.  For issues in this website contact:  (757) 362-4005