Extra-Thick Laminated Card - 3.5x8.5 - Recommended Food Temperatures - 24 pt.


Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
250 $1.00 each
500 $0.66 each
1000 $0.53 each
2500 $0.39 each
5000 $0.35 each
10000 $0.30 each
Extra Thick laminated cards are perfect for calendars, schedules or any type of chart for high visibility and durability.
Laminated cards are effective marketing tools used to communicate your message to prospective and current customers.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
3.5 in. x 8.5 in.

8 lbs per 300 cards

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on one or both sides. Exact color matches, metallic and fluorescent colors not available in full-color.

One Columbus Center Suite 600 Virginia Beach, VA 23462.  For issues in this website contact:  (757) 362-4005