Unique Solid Whale Money Bank
#14092A Screened


Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
48 $36.37 each
96 $35.34 each
120 $34.34 each
240 $33.38 each
360 $32.44 each
$65.00 each
All of our banks are made from only the highest quality ceramic, known as dolomite, for increased durability. They feature a base that is deep glazed, insuring that this essential color doesn't wear off with repeated handling

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
6" 1/2 Tall

Additional Information

Due to changes in freight and import charges, please contact us to verify current pricing.

One Columbus Center Suite 600 Virginia Beach, VA 23462.  For issues in this website contact:  (757) 362-4005